Tuesday 6 November 2012

Grazia Deledda

A brief outline of the sadly long-forgotten Grazia Deledda, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927.

When the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to the Italian novelist Grazia Deledda it meant much more to her than it did to many previous laureates whose literary work had already brought them affluence. For conscientious artist as she was, Grazia Deledda had never been a "best seller," and the merits of her books were out of all proportion to the money she ever received for writing them. In 1927 she received six thousand pounds, which at the time was calculated at over half a million lire. So the Nobel Prize meant that Grazia and her family could for once live in comfort and security.
Her undoubted masterpiece is Cenere, ("Ashes"), which with its simple plot reproduces with convincing truth the manners and thoughts of the Sardinian peasant.

If you love to read beautifully written books find a copy, and immerse yourself in quality.

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